YouTube Channel List
Page history
last edited
by Barbara Jones 5 years, 3 months ago
List of organizations and professionals who broadcast live or post videos on YouTube:
- 1stNHRegiment
- 23andMe
- 5minutegenealogy
- Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum
- Angela Walton-Raji
- alctsce (Association for Library Collections & Technical Services) (ALCTS)
- AJ Jacobs Global Family Reunion
- Allen County Public Library
- AmericanAncestors
- American Library Association
- Amy Johnson Crow
- AncestralFindings.com
- Ancestry (Playlist)
- Ancestry Academy – Preview videos
- Ancestry Desktop Education Series: The Barefoot Genealogist (TBG) Crista Cowan
- AncestryAU
- ancestryuk
- AWeekOfGenealogy
- Barry J. Ewell
- Bernice Bennett
- Blaine Bettinger
- BYUtv
- BYU Family History Library
- Canada's History
- Caroline Pointer (4YourFamilyStory Blog)
- Carroll County History Project
- Chicago Genealogical Society
- christine woodcock (Genealogy Tours of Scotland)
- CongreLib (Congregational Library)
- Council of State Archivists (CoSA)
- Cousin Russ
- Crista Cowan
- Daughters of the American Revolution National Headquarters
- Dave Robison
- Devin Ashby
- digpublib (Digital Public Library of America) (DPLA)
- Discovering Your Past (Dan Young)
- DNA Lectures – Who Do You Think You Are
- Ed Thompson (Evidentia Software)
- Emily Aulicino
- Enduring Legacy Genealogy
- Enoch Pratt Library (Baltimore City, Maryland)
- Eric Basir
- Extreme Genes
- Family ChartMasters
- Family History Fanatics
- FamilySearch
- FamilySearch - Topic
- Family Tree DNA
- Family Tree Magazine
- Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS)
- FEEFHS (Foundation for East European Family History Studies)
- findmyancestor
- Findmypast
- Findmypast US
- Fiona Tellesson
- Fold3
- Fountaindale Public Library - Fountaindale Public Library Blog -
- Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania
- GenealogyBank
- Genealogy Bargains
- GenealogyCompass
- genealogyDOTcoach
- GenealogyGuy
- Genealogy Quick Start (Shamele Jordon, host of Genealogy Quick Start TV)
- Genealogy Roadshow
- genealogyscrounge
- Genealogy TV
- GeneaVlogger
- Genetic Genealogy Ireland
- Grandma's Genes (WikiTree LiveCast)
- Guild of One-Name Studies
- HistoricGraves
- Historypin
- HSBC9811 (Historical Society of Baltimore County)
- International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS)
- Israel Genealogy (Israel Genealogy Research Association-IGRA
- Jan Murphy
- Jennifer Alford
- JewishGen613
- Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Orlando (JGSGO)
- Jewish Genealogy Society of Long Island
- Jill Ball
- Joan Miller
- Julie Cahill Tarr
- Julie Goucher
- Kathryn Lake Hogan (LOOK4ANCESTORS)
- Kenneth R Marks (The Ancestor Hunt Blog)
- Olive Tree Genealogy
- Legacy Family Tree Software
- LeisterPro
- Library and Archives Canada
- LibraryOfCongress
- LibraryofVa
- Lisa Louise Cooke’s Genealogy Gems
- Lynn Palermo (The Armchair Genealogist Blog)
- Madam Ancestry
- Marian Pierre-Louis
- Maryland State Archives -MSA-
- Maurice Gleeson
- Megan Smolenyak
- Mormon Channel (broadcasting RootsTech Live Stream)
- MPTnational (Maryland Public Television)
- MyHeritage
- National Archives of Australia
- National Genealogical Society
- New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (NYG&B)
- Nicka Sewell-Smith
- Ontario Genealogical Society - Conference 2017
- Peoria Historical Society
- photodetective (Maureen Taylor)
- PhotoTree.com
- PRONIonline
- ProQuest Training
- Reclaim the Records
- Richard Hill (DNAstory1)
- Robin Foster
- RootsMagicTV
- RootsMOOC
- RootsTelevision
- Russ Worthington
- Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG)
- Society of Australian Genealogists
- State Archives NSW (State Records Authority of New South Wales)
- State Archives of North Carolina
- statelibrarync (North Carolina)
- StoryCorps
- Strathclyde MOOCs
- Susan Kitchens
- Tessa Keough
- The Barefoot Genealogist (TBG) Crista Cowan (See Ancestry above)
- The British Newspaper Archive
- The Genealogy Do-Over
- The In-Depth Genealogist
- The Legal Genealogist
- The National Archives UK
- The Newberry Library
- The New York Public Library
- The NextGen Genealogy Network
- TheNJStateLibrary
- The Surname Society
- The Swedish Genealogy Guide
- Thomas MacEntee
- Thom Reed
- Tierra Kellow (Pressing My Way genealogy web series is an in depth look at the research process and story of yours truly to uncover my family lineage.)
- T. WikiTree
- Valerie & Myrt's Excellent Genealogy Adventures
- War of 1812 Preserve the Pensions
- Web Genealogist
- Weta Interactive Media
- Who Do You Think You Are? (UK)
- Who is Nicka Smith?
- WikiTree Videos
- US National Archives (NARA) Know Your Records Program
- US National Archives (NARA) National Archives Virtual Genealogy Fair
- (2010), (2011), (2012), (2013), (2014), (2015), (2016), (2017), (2018), (2019), (2020), (2021)
MISC Video Links:
Genealogy Channel on YouTube by Katherine Willson (Revised 07/07/2017)
©2016-2019, Genealogy Calendar By Barbara Jones | All rights reserved | Revised 11/08/2019 (http://bit.ly/2ol2Y5B)
YouTube Channel List
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